Team Members

Chairman of the board

Internationally renowned investors have invested more than US$ 1 billion in China, the United States, Japan, Australia, New Zealand and Singapore. He has educational background in business, history, management, investment and other fields. He has rich experience in the fields of education and career development, and has served as president of two colleges and chairman of NHITL education group. He has been engaged in international trade and industrial investment in sugar, dairy products and health food for many years. He has been a strategic investment consultant for many companies in the United States, Japan, Australia and New Zealand.

总裁 高级合伙人

南京大学化学学士,副修投资经济学专业;新西兰梅西大学研究生;南京大学商学院EMBA. 南京大学商学院校友天使投资俱乐部副会长, 南京郡稻成投资管理有限公司总裁. 曾担任新西兰白鹰投资公司中国区首席代表、中孚文化集团投资总监,天奇阿米巴创投投资总监,在国际投资领域具有15年经验,精通文化、艺术品、信息技术、互联网+等行业投资。 擅长天使、VC阶段投资。


芝加哥大学博士、沃顿商学院MBA。2009年开始致力在硅谷从事科技风险投资,投资领域涉及互联网、人工智能、虚拟现实、能源技术等。投资公司包括:AlertMe(British Gas收购)、 Comfy(西门子收购)、Lucid(Acuity收购)、Motive Driling(Helmerich&Payne收购)、Oculus(Facebook收购)、Taxon(杜邦收购)、BorderXLab (数据和AI驱动的跨境电商)、Weee!(北美华人生鲜第一站)等在多家高速发展的公司担任董事,在沃顿商学院和斯坦福大学为在校生和企业家客座讲授硅谷风险投资和创新创业。

Senior investment adviser

She is good at grasping the needs of users and formulating the marketing strategy of enterprises. With an internationalized vision and abundant cooperation resources in the Internet industry chain, it will promote the combination of the Internet and the industry to create new commercial values. I like to "look at the photos". I will discover high-quality entrepreneurs and understand the DNA of the company he founded according to the founder's character and growth experience. PhD with data mining and MBA from MIT. She has served as senior consultant of VP and McKinsey Consulting Company of Deutsche Bank's London headquarters, and has rich management and strategy experience. In 2006, she returned to China to start his own business. She was the founder of Babel and Shanyou. After 8 years of deep cultivation of mobile Internet, he founded Tianqi Venture Capital in 2013, which is committed to investing in consumer upgrading, smart hardware and content entrepreneurship.

Senior investment adviser

Committed to the cross-border integration of Internet and technology, good at strategic integration between companies. He has rich experience in leading start-up companies in technological innovation and rapid marketization. He has participated in the investment and management of many venture capital funds at home and abroad. Ray has a dual MBA from the University of California, Berkeley, and Columbia University. Ray was a partner in Cybertron (China) Investment and China Century Fund. He served as the global managing director of HP's new business department for more than four years, and was responsible for the technical evaluation of start-ups, new business incubation, venture capital relations and investment business. Former Director of Cisco's Global Merger and Acquisition Department, he has been in charge of internal incubation, investment, merger and acquisition in North America and the Asia-Pacific region for more than 6 years.







Team Members